Friday, July 12, 2013

4th in Colorado (again)

We had so much fun celebrating the 4th in Colorado last year that we decided to do it again this year.

We kicked off our celebration with a Rockies game the night before.

After the game they had an amazing fireworks show. Corbyn was whining and wanting to go home after the game while we waited for the fireworks to start, but as soon as they started he loved them. The kids were up way past their bedtime, but it was worth it.

The morning of the 4th we went to Mike and Dixie's ward breakfast. The fire department came to spray all the kids.

There was also face painting done by one of the Elders serving in their ward.

And a bike parade that Corbyn was happy to participate in.

I made Sugar Cookie Bars with red, white, and blue star sprinkles. Peyton was happy to help lick the beaters (and was adorable doing it).

Fireworks were banned again this year in Colorado, but we decided sparklers would be ok. Corbyn loved them.

And we even let Peyton hold a few (under close supervision).

While we were there we had fun exploring new splash pads, going swimming, and playing with Grandma's water table.

We also visited a good number of nearby parks.

Corbyn had fun playing with his cousin Jaxon. (Rex and Edda were visiting Edda's family in Oklahoma, so he didn't get to play with Aiden and Sam - bummer!)

Peyton loved eating at the kid table at Grandma's house. She'd take a few bites, go play, and then come back for more until she was done eating.

One night we roasted s'mores on the deck. I don't know what it was about them, but they really hit the spot!

We packed in a lot of fun on Saturday (our last day there).

I started the day with a 5 mile run. I was nervous to do it there because they have hills everywhere and where I train here is almost completely flat. It ended up being not so bad and I was able to keep a good pace despite the many hills. And then I didn't feel guilty eating out the rest of the day!

We all went to Village Inn for breakfast. After another splash pad visit and dip in the pool (and a nap for Jaxon and Peyton), we took the boys to see Monsters University while Grandma watched Peyton. (She made my day by being beyond excited to see me when I came back.) The best part of the movie was watching Corbyn laugh and just love it. He thought all the previews were hilarious and was laughing so hard!

We finished the day at Crave for dinner. Rog got his burger between 2 donuts as always and I got the Texas burger. (It's a really good thing we only visit and eat there twice a year!)

It was such a fun vacation. We did a lot of fun things, but also took it easy and relaxed. I was able to blog, work on my quiet book project, and get our budget all caught up (it was sorely neglected in June). Thank you Kenzie and Irving for letting us crash in your basement and disrupt your lives! We had a great time!
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1 comment:

  1. This is from gg because Aunt Tracy is helping me on Grandpa's computer and I'm not familiar with this one . My doodoo is being fixed AGAIN. Anyway, I love the pictures, especially Peyton in her yellow, at one of her eating sessions. You have a great time with the Phillips and that is wonderful.

    Missed you when Jared got home. He looks so good, doesn't he.
    Your Mom couldn't stop smiling.
    Love you, gg instead of Tracy.
