Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Elder Jar Returns

I can't believe it was 2 years ago that we sent Elder Jar off to the MTC! Corbyn was younger than Peyton is now and I wasn't even pregnant with Peyton yet. Crazy all that can happen in 2 years!

Last Thursday night we went to the airport to welcome him home. I made a sign and Grandma Lori had balloons and Swedish flags for the kids.

We got there extra early to make sure we didn't miss him. We waited and waited and waited... And then there he was. At first we didn't see him because he was hiding behind the sister missionary in red.

Lots of hugs.

And smiles!

Love this little brother of mine!

We are so proud of all he did as a missionary. But we are also so so excited to have him home!
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  1. He was a great missionary! Good job Jared

  2. Welcome Home Jared, from Cailey's mom. I am sure your family is so happy to have you home!!

  3. Äldste Jar is AWESOME :)

    So enjoying having him home!

    Thanks Shauna for making such an amazing poster!

    Thanks Roger for being our photographer.

    Välkommen Hem Äldste Jar - Vi älskar dig <3

  4. Welcome Home Jared......next comes marriage!

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