Thursday, July 25, 2013

Last Week

*On Sunday morning after I finished blow drying my hair I heard laughter coming from our bedroom. I snuck out there to find out what was so funny. The kids were just hanging out, playing, and having so much fun together. I had a moment where I thought, "This is why I had them close together - so they can be buddies." It's moments like these that make the hard moments worth it.

*The Petrosinos threatened to jump ship on us. Bill got an offer with SAS in North Carolina. He has always wanted to work for them, but their offer wasn't for very much more than he is currently making. It was a hard decision for them, but they ultimately decided to stay here. Our ward is experiencing a mass exodus this summer and we have lost some good friends. It's totally selfish of us, but we are glad they decided to stay.

*I decided I'm not as good of a mom when it's so dang hot! Things that don't usually bother me - like the kids not actually playing with the toys they beg me to get out or the constant in/out, opening/closing of the front door - drive me crazy. I started locking the door, so they can't go in and out and one day when they asked me to get out the water table, I refused. I got out a bucket of water instead and Peyton climbed right in. Silly girl!

*I decided to brave Seven Peaks by myself with the two kids. It went so smoothly and was a totally enjoyable afternoon!  So enjoyable that we already went back for a repeat this week!

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1 comment:

  1. Amen to everything seeming so much harder when it's hot! We have a/c, but it still gets warm in the afternoon. Especially being pregnant, I can barely work up the energy to flop myself on the couch, let alone do anything else.
    Your kiddies are so cute--I'm glad they're buddies.
