Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer Bucket List

All summer I have had a summer bucket list in my head. The other day I got thinking that I should write it down to make sure we really make the most out of this summer - instead of getting to the end and realizing we missed doing a lot of fun things we wanted to do!

I found a pre-made summer bucket list here and customized to make it our own. Some of these things we have already done this summer. I made it like I was making it a few months ago before summer got going.

This weekend we checked a few items off the list. Friday night we hiked Grotto Falls. We hiked it 2 years ago back when Corbyn was the one being carried in the backpack.

2 years ago it was a raging river. This year it was a tiny stream.

It was almost a completely different hike. Last time we couldn't even go down to see this part of the waterfall - we could only see it from above.

Peyton loved splashing around in the water.

And we let her walk most of the way back.

Corbyn was our fearless leader...

Until he slipped and bonked his head on a rock. He was fine, but he wanted to be carried the rest of the way - by dad who was already carrying Peyton again at that point. Good thing we were almost done and it's about the easiest hike there is - .6 miles roundtrip! It was a good warm up hike for the other hikes we have planned this summer.

On Saturday we went swimming at the Spanish Fork Pool. When we got there they warned us that they were watching a storm on the horizon and that we may have to get out if they spotted any lightning. Sure enough as soon as we got in they announced that we had to get out for at least 20 minutes. Luckily it really was only 20 minutes and then the storm passed and didn't interrupt our swim again.

While we were waiting Rog took a picture of me in my new suit. I almost didn't post it because of my lovely farmer's tan, but mostly because Emily requested to see it, here it is. This is what happens when you spend most of your afternoons outside with kids in shorts and a short sleeve shirt.

We spent 90% of the time we were there going down the water slide. It was PJ's first time, so we got a few pictures. With dad...

And with mom.

It was a fun afternoon at the pool! Glad we didn't get rained out!

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  1. What? Are you saying it's possible to NOT have a farmer's tan? Sigh. Not in my lifetime, I'm afraid. :) cute swimsuit!

  2. Okay, i can't stand it look absolutely stunning in your swimsuit!

  3. Looks like a lot of fun - really LOVE the photos :)

    Corby has a farmer's tan too along with Jared and me!
