Sunday, August 18, 2013

DeMott Family Reunion

Well, hello there! Yes, we are still alive!

Right after Rog finished work on August 2nd, we embarked on a week of back-to-back vacations and then spent a week working on projects around the house and getting ready for Rog to go back to school.

We've loved having Rog home all day every day, but are now ready for life to settle back into a routine - our new normal you could say. The new normal probably won't be terribly different for me and the kids except that we might see less of our favorite redhead - just how much less is yet to be seen. Of course the new normal will be significantly different for our Rog. Tomorrow he starts Week Zero (Orientation Week) for his MBA/MHA program at the U.

I've got lots of blog catching up to do, so let's get right to it!


Saturday morning and afternoon (August 3rd) was the DeMott Family Reunion (Rog's mom's side of the family). We met up at a park in Draper to have lunch, look at pictures, let the kids play at the park, and enjoy talking to family we don't see all that often - including one of Rog's cousins who lives in Spanish Fork. Her husband is a bishop and she has 7 kids, so we only randomly run into her at Costco.

Two of Rog's sisters and one of his cousins are all due within 6 weeks of each other starting with McKae who is due this next week. All three of them made the drive from Colorado to be at the reunion. What troopers!

Peyton claimed this chair as her own for lunch.

Corbyn had fun climbing trees and playing with Cousin Jaxon.

And Peyton proved she's just as tough as all those boy cousins of hers!

From the reunion we rushed home to finish packing (If you can call it that - I had barely started - it was a stressful couple of hours!) and check into Aspen Grove for the majority of the next week.
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