Friday, August 2, 2013

Five on Friday

1. Last week when we were all sick Corbyn had a dentist appointment. I felt bad canceling it, so even though it wasn't exactly convenient, I rescheduled for the first appointment they offered me - 8:00 am Tuesday morning. I had to wake Corbyn up and I couldn't get him to eat breakfast before we had to leave, so it wasn't exactly our best dentist experience. He did fine until she tried to clean his teeth and then it was almost a constant meltdown until we left. On the bright side, he didn't have any cavities, so I guess it wasn't all bad.

2. On Tuesday the Pughs came down to visit us. We went to the Springville Splash Pad and had dinner together. We missed Zack, but it was so good to see Emily and Elise and meet sweet baby James!

3. Yesterday KLAS had a half day of service before their summer party last night. They made super hero kits to donate to hospitals and I helped sew capes. After we told Corbyn they were for sick kids in hospitals, he said that he was feeling very sick.

4. At the summer party, Peyton had the dinner of champions - cheetos, a cookie, and a snow cone. She was a sticky orange mess until we were finally able to get in the pool! (I wish this picture showed just how messy she was!)

5. Rog had to do a math refresher class for his MBA/MHA program. He thought he had until the start of school, but on Tuseday he noticed he only had until Wednesday night and he still had a lot left. He finished in time, but only after 2 very stressful days! He also got his new laptop this week and today is his last day of work. I guess that means this is really happening. YIKES!
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