Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Scenic Route

On Saturday (the day after we got home from Aspen Grove), we drove down to St. George to celebrate Rog's grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary. (60 years - that's 10 times as long as we've been married! Definitely something to celebrate.) The main event was dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Kids weren't invited, so we had a lady in my parent's ward (who has kids of similar ages) watch our kids. (My parents hadn't come back down yet.) After dinner we picked up our kids and went over to their house to enjoy some ice cream cake. And we all had a good laugh over a painting they recently acquired. (We'll leave it at that!)

We finished the night at the St. George Splash Pad.

After going for the first time last summer, we made it a point to go again this summer. Such a great splash pad!

Here's a little side-by-side comparison of Peyton last summer and Peyton this summer - almost exactly a year apart and at the same splash pad. She's done a lot of growing up over the last year!

Grandma Dixie came with gifts for both kids. A cute outfit for Peyton and an Iron Man costume for Corbyn. Go figure, I only ended up getting a picture of Peyton in the Iron Man costume. Corbyn loves it too!

We had kind of an interesting Sunday morning. We planned to go to my parent's ward, but for some reason we both thought it started at 11:00 when it actually started at 9:00. So we ended up taking the Sacrament with the Spanish Branch and then heading out because we wouldn't have understood a word of it anyway! Instead we visited Rog's mission president. Then Corbyn played trains while Peyton napped and we got dinner ready.

My parents and Jared got back Sunday night. We enjoyed breakfast at Kneaders with them before starting the drive home Monday morning.

We decided to take the scenic route home. Our first stop was Navajo Lake.

It's been way too long since we visited the cabin (August 2009 - before we had kids), so we thought we'd at least stop at the lake.

We all had fun throwing rocks in the lake.

And as always Peyton had fun playing in the dirt!

Then we drove to Bryce Canyon National Park. I just love Bryce!

First order of business was a snack for the kids - yogurt for PJ.

Our little monkey at it again.

The kids look oh so happy in this picture, but trust me, they did have a good time!

As we were leaving, this chipmunk (or squirrel or whatever) was very friendly with Peyton. (I'm sure he wanted her Fritos.)

It was a fun little trip down to the southern part of our state - made even better by taking the scenic route home!
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1 comment:

  1. That picture of Peyton at the splash park is so cute! Love it!!
