Monday, September 2, 2013

Books, Crafts, and a New Calling

A little update on me...


I finished my 4th and 5th books for the year.

Book #4 was Reached, the 3rd book in the Matched trilogy. I didn't love it, but I liked it enough to finish it. I thought it was a good end to the trilogy and I'm glad I stuck with it to see the story to the end.

Book #5 was Love Life and See Good Days. I love Emily Freeman's books and this one was no exception. It was all about seeing good days as opposed to just hoping to have good days. I love how she uses different scriptures and stories to illustrate different ways to see good days.


I kind of got out of the habit of crafting, so I really tried to make it a point to find time to do some new crafts in July and August.

July needed a new "o".

I also made a little washi tape garland with some washi tape I got from Pick Your Plum.

It was incredibly quick and easy and I love how it just added a little extra something to my July table.

I got the idea for this craft here, but I changed it up a bit to make it my own.

I also "fixed" this subway art I made a few years ago. The middle section bugged me every time I looked at it. It's a subtle difference, but I like it much better now! On the left, before and on the right, after.

A New Calling (kind of)

I wasn't really digging the whole emergency primary substitute thing, so I told Rog just to call me to be a real teacher. When your husband is the counselor in the bishopric over primary, you can do that! My class is kind of crazy, but I'm liking the predictable nature of having a class I teach every week as opposed to not knowing what I'm going to be doing.

And that is what I have been up to these past few months!
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  1. Cute crafts! And I'm glad there's at least one perk to having your husband in the bishopric. Enjoy your new calling!

  2. Your crafts are so beautiful! i so wish i had your patience. i have tried to Pam (our cousin) and the o n e slipper she knitted in Young Women...! We are so alike in that way!
