Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

With no school on Friday and Labor Day on Monday, we enjoyed a nice long weekend!

The highlights:

*Took family pictures. The kids were mostly cooperative. Fingers crossed that at least one turned out!

*Visited my Grandma Ford, Aunt Tracy, and Cuddles. Peyton loved Cuddles!

*Watched the first BYU football game of the season - rain delay and all! It wasn't the best start to the season as Virginia came from behind in the last few minutes to beat us 16-19.

*Washed our couch cushions.

*Made cinnamon rolls for Rog who says I don't make them enough!

*Went to Seven Peaks for the last time this summer. We got to ride the big slides we can't do without Rog and even saw our friends Nate and Ann Edwards.

*Shared a snow cone for FHE.

It was a pretty great weekend and a good way to end the summer.
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  1. He's King of the cushions! Too cute!

    Cuddles can come visit if you like......

  2. Couldn't see the Peyton and cuddles pic without clicking it on, but how sweet!
