Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Zoo Pics

We had such a good time at the Hogle Zoo. About half of the zoo is under construction right now, but there was enough to see that we didn't feel gypped.

Peyton was so excited to see all the animals. She'd point and make noises (usually a growl which is conveniently correct most of the time).

They have a new play area (called the Lighhouse Point Splash Zone) that is pretty fun. The lighthouse slide is one of those slides that you end up pulling yourself down most of the way. Rog and I both took turns taking Peyton down it. I regretted it very much because a tiny hole near one of my back pockets turned into a giant rip and I got to walk around the rest of the day like that!

There is also a shipwreck where Corbyn got to pretend he was a pirate and a fun tide pool.

The Rocky Shores area is also pretty new. The otters were out and about giving us a great show. And this otter statue was a great photo opp.

This bear was right up at the glass just looking at everyone.

The kids loved the bear cave. We seriously had to drag them away!

We got to see the polar bear eat his lunch and then take a nice swim.

Then it was time for our lunch!

After lunch most of the animals were napping. It was pretty warm, so we couldn't blame them! This jaguar was conveniently napping/hanging out right up front.

This lion drinking fountain is a classic that has been at the Hogle Zoo since my mom was a little girl (and possibly even before that). It wasn't in its usual spot as that area was under construction, but I was happy to see that they had moved it to another area!

This gorilla measuring chart is also a classic. Peyton didn't quite get the point, but was adorable nonetheless.

I have such fond memories of visiting the Hogle Zoo every summer as a little girl. It's fun to take my kids there and see everything they are doing to make it a more modern zoo. (Although it does make me a little sad to see some of my favorite things missing - they better never get rid of that lion drinking fountain or I may have to have a word with zoo management!)
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