Friday, September 6, 2013

Five on Friday

1. I dreamt up and put together this little craft this week. Now I just need a cute picture from tomorrow's game to display!

2. I made these Quick and Easy Garlic-Parmesan Rolls for my dinner group last night. Not only were they quick and easy, they were also delicious! And as a bonus, no one could believe they were made using Rhodes Rolls.

3. Today we took advantage of Rog having Fridays off by going to the zoo. It wasn't too terribly hot (until the very end) and it was not crowded at all because all the kids are back in school. Best of all, many of the animals put on a really good show for us. (I have a million pictures to go through that I will be sharing in another post.)

4. On our way home from the zoo, we stopped to look at our family photos from last Saturday. We got exactly one perfect shot which is all I asked for. Success!

5. Tonight Rog and Corbyn are at our ward's Fathers and Sons Campout. I made Tomato Basil Soup for my parents, Jared, Peyton, and myself because Rog and Corbyn are haters. Now as soon as I publish this post, I am going to ignore my house that needs cleaning and watch We Bought a Zoo (in honor of our trip to the zoo this morning) while quiet booking it up!

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  1. I absolutely LOVE the Cougars photo holder, the parmesan rolls, the tomato-basil soup and the photo of your family.

    Unfortunately, we weren't able to go on the Zoo outing. Hope you said "hi" to the bears for me :)

  2. So weird...I made tomato basil soup, too! Twinners.
