Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fall Break

BYU doesn't have a fall break (or a spring break for that matter), so we were excited at the prospect of a whole week off in the middle of the semester. We thought about going somewhere. We really wanted to go to a National Park, but they were all closed thanks to the government shutdown. Finally we decided to just stay home and have a combination staycation/project week.

The kids loved having dad home to build towers and play hide-and-seek with them. (And I loved having someone to entertain the kids while I got ready for the day!)


We fit in lots of fun things.

Monday night we went to the Red Barn with the Petrosinos and the Woods for FHE.

We enjoyed all our favorite activities from past years - the slide...

and the maze...

New this year was tractors to pedal around.

Corbyn searched and searched until he found the perfect pumpkin.

It was a chilly, beautiful night - perfect for enjoying friends and a pumpkin patch!

One afternoon we took the kids to see Planes. It was a cute show.

Another afternoon we went to the duck pond at BYU. The ducks were CRAZY! As soon as we got out the food, they swarmed us. I had to hold Peyton most of the time, so she didn't get eaten alive.

After feeding the ducks, we climbed the stairs and walked around campus for a bit.

Grandma and Grandpa treated us to breakfast at Kneaders and dinner at Pizza Pie Cafe.

On Saturday we watched BYU play Houston. It was a close, high-scoring game. Luckily we pulled out a win, final score 47-46.

Rog got to enjoy a couple games of golf with my dad.

We also worked on a few projects. I ran about a million errands one afternoon kid free. Rog did some maintenance on Meg. We cleaned the garage.

I finally got curtains put up in our bedroom and downstairs. (We've only lived here 3 1/2 years!) I bought them way back in June, but they needed to be hemmed. And I made a tiny set of curtains from the bottoms for the little window in our bedroom.

They are all the light beige Lenda curtains from IKEA. Now we have curtains on all the windows in our house! WOOT!

I also worked on painting my stripes in our downstairs bathroom. I painted the first stripe over a year ago. Hopefully it doesn't take me another year to get to the third stripe!

It was good to get a few projects done and enjoy a relaxing week with Rog home!
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1 comment:

  1. Glad I got to be involved with some of your activities for the week.

    Good job on the projects!

    Love the photos :)
