Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Last Week and Homecoming Weekend

Last week I finished my 6th book of the year - Dinner: A Love Story by Jenny Rosenstrach. Jenny talks about the evolution of family dinnertime at her house. I loved reading (and relating) to each stage. And even more, I loved hearing that someday dinner will get a lot easier. I figured it would, but it was good to hear it!!

Speaking of dinner, Peyton had a good solid week where she just had no appetite at all. I think she had some sort of a virus, but it was a weird one because she didn't really have any other symptoms at all. During that week she decided she was DONE with her booster seat. Her appetite has since returned, but her booster seat strike has continued.

I went on a crazy (and not at all ridiculous) quest for the complete set of Wizard of Oz McDonald's kid's meal toys. (Did you know you can buy kid's meal toys without the kid's meal?!) After going to five McDonald's and calling dozens more, I had all but Dorothy. She was nowhere to be found, so I used reward points to buy her on Amazon. She came today and now my collection is complete! The kids love them (even though they have never seen the Wizard of Oz) and they look pretty cute with this witch printable from the Wood Connection.

Friday afternoon we hiked the Y. Rog carried Peyton in our hiking backpack and Corbyn walked the entire way up by himself. It was definitely hard for him - he kept wanting to stop - but he did it!

He was pretty timid at first, but soon was climbing up and down the Y like it was no big deal. He made us so nervous!

Peyton was done with the carrier and would not get back in for the ride down. She walked a little of it, but mostly rode on my shoulders or insisted I carry her. Corbyn also walked part of the way down and rode the rest of the way on Rog's shoulders.

The sun was setting on our way down and it was beautiful!

Saturday morning we all ran the Cougar Run (except Peyton). Corbyn did the kid's race again. Rog ran it with him this year, but next year we are going to practice and see if we can get him to run it by himself!

I have been training hard and it paid off - I finished in 23:37 which is the closest I've come to my PR of 23:04 (set back in 2007 on the same course).

I was most excited that I placed 2nd in my age group. Last year I placed 3rd - it was fun to place again and even move up one spot!

Rog did awesome for the amount of training he's done (not very much with his long commute) - he finished in 26:29.

After the run we cleaned the church - it was a good week to sign up for because with Conference being the Sunday before, it was basically already clean.

We played Georgia Tech that night. It was such a fun game - full of action and best of all, we won! 38-20!!

We have seats with Bill, Mariah, my dad, and Jared. Every game we kind of play musical chairs. It was the first time I ended up sitting by the Jar. Love this brother of mine!!

We decided to get our yearly cougar tail donut this game rather than waiting until the last game like we usually seem to do. It was a great idea because the donut was soft and delicious. (The last game is cold and the donuts end up being kind of cold and hard.)

On Sunday Jared talked in my parents' new ward along with them as kind of a homecoming - even though he has been home for 4 months now. He gave his official homecoming talk down in St. George, but he did this one for all our family and friends who live up here.

I helped my mom put together 3 different crock pot soups to serve after - beef stew, tomato basil soup, and cream cheese chicken chili. The cream cheese chicken chili was by far the most popular, but that was ok by me (and my dad) because it meant lots of leftover tomato basil soup (our favorite).

After everyone left we had Jared watch Wreck it Ralph with Corbyn. We've been talking about it since he got home - it was about time we actually made it happen!

It was a busy, but fun Homecoming weekend! Go cougs!!
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  1. I'm so impressed you hiked the y with kids, I can barely hike it myself! (Kidding, but it's not an easy hike!) and I'm glad you liked dinner: a love story. I bought it and use recipes from it all the time.

  2. So impressed you placed! I can't imagine being able to do that. Way to go!
    Not gonna lie, those wizard of oz dolls are adorable. I am pretty amazon obsessed and yet I have NO idea what reward points are?!? Tell me more!!

  3. Shauna, you are so pretty! Just wanted to pass that along. :)

  4. I love the pic of Peyton looking so defiante!

  5. Yep, my daughter is quite the fast runner! Kent and I got to be there for Corby's race and tend Corby and Peyton while Shauna and Roger raced. Good job Rog and Corby too!

    Awesome photos :)

  6. Shauna came to my rescue and planned the menu for Jared's Homecoming #2 - and basically made all of the soups while I tried to help! Thanks daughter dear :)
