Thursday, October 3, 2013

Last Week

On Monday I canned peaches with my mom. It was so nice to be able to do it during the day and not finish at 1:00 am like in years past!

I got my bi-yearly haircut (that I was seriously overdue for). It was only $3 because of a promotion Great Clips does during BYU football games. She kind of went crazy with the layers, but it'll do.

We bought a team for the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay next year! I'm so incredibly excited and also a little bit nervous, but mostly excited! Our team will be made up of a lot of my Ririe cousins (our name is Riries Take on Ragnar), but we have a few open spots, so let me know if you want to join us.

We had a great time watching Stockton and Brynn Goodrich Thursday morning. It worked out well because Corbyn's joy school was canceled due to the Howard kids being sick. We made a fort with the couch cushions and dressed up like superheroes.

Our outdoor viewing of the Hunger Games got rained out again. I guess we'll just have to hope for better luck next year!

Friday night was the BYU vs. Middle Tennessee game. On our way to the game, I got what is probably my favorite video ever of PJ.

I made Pumpkin Whoopie Pies for the tailgate.

Corbyn's Cosmo's Kids Club membership included 2 tickets to this game, so the whole family got to go!

Grandma Lori came too and took the kids home when they got tired partway through the 2nd quarter. (It was a late game starting at 7:00 pm.)

We didn't have the best start, but ended up beating them 37-10!

Saturday morning I ran the Color Me Rad 5K - think Festival of Colors combined with a 5K. Rog was on a temple trip with the youth of our ward in Manti, so my parents came and watched the kids while I ran. There was a family fair going on at the same time, so they took them over to that while I was running. They were big fans of the popcorn!

It wasn't a timed run which was a shame because I felt like I did awesome!

My friend Leanna invited me to sign up with her. I didn't actually run with her because I'm a jerk like that - just ask Rog he'll tell you. (I ditched everyone on the Electric Run too.) Her whole family was sick with colds, so she drove with us and we had a great time hanging out before/after. I'm so glad she told me about it - it was one of my favorite runs I've ever done!

That night I got to go the Relief Society Broadcast with my mom. Her stake was having a light dinner before, so we went there. I think that was the first time we've ever been together. It's so fun having them live so close!
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  1. What a great week! This sounds really lame and selfish, but my baby is three weeks old today and as someone who loves/needs to exercise and get out of the house, it's nice to know that eventually life, even with two kids gets normal again. :)

  2. I bet you love having your mom close. How fun! Thanks again for watching my kids...I love the picture of them! And PJ is a cutie!

  3. I'm glad you are enjoying having us close :)

    We LOVE living close to your family!
