Monday, November 4, 2013

Ghoulish Feast

I can't believe this was our 5th year doing a ghoulish feast! It has been such a fun tradition - one I hope we will continue for years to come. (Past ghoulish feasts - 200920102011, and 2012.)

We had the feast at my parent's house and the Petrosinos joined us as well as the Jar.

This year was one of the more relaxing ghoulish feasts for me. Most of it could be made ahead of time, so I wasn't panicing to get everything done at the last minute. It also helped that Mariah and my mom contributed, so it wasn't me doing everything.

I made little menus to go on each place setting. They didn't take much time to whip up and I thought they added a fun little touch. (Rog, on the other hand, thought they were completely ridiculous.)

My mom did the haunted salad. I helped with the croutons - Using tiny cookie cutters, I cut out witch hats, ghosts, and black cats from a loaf of sourdough bread and made them into croutons using this tutorial. We also cut the cucumbers into pumpkins.

It was a fun (and easy) way to make a simple green salad Halloweeny.

I did the classic spaghetti and eyeballs for the main course.

I already had this sauce in my freezer, so all I had to do was throw it in the crockpot with meatballs (from Costco) and then stick some olives on top of the meatballs a few minutes before we ate.

The mummy sticks were just Our Best Bites' breadsticks shaped into mummies using this tutorial (but instead of the banana and nutella, putting some butter and Garlic Bread Seasoning in there).

Mariah had a huge squash from her dad's garden, so we decided to cook it up and call it slimy squash.

Mariah did the spider cider. I don't know what recipe she used, but it was really good and the spiders on the bottom of the cups were so cute - especially with the googly eyes!

And finally for dessert, Mariah did individual cups of Creepy Crawly Graveyard. It was your basic dirt and worms type recipe with a cookie headstone, but it was better than most I've had before.

And that was the 2013 edition of our ghoulish feast!
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  1. Love the Ghoulish Feast and I'm sad every year that we aren't there to participate :( I think your menu's are cute but it made me laugh that Roger thought they were ridiculous. Ha ha!


  2. I love the menu's (Rog!). What fun keepsakes!

  3. It was pretty SCARY - hee hee

    . . . and delicious
