Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wreck-It Ralph Costumes

I love making costumes for Halloween. Corbyn's first two Halloweens he wore store-bought costumes, but since then I have had fun making costumes. I don't do it because it's cheaper (it's probably not), I do it because I enjoy it and I like to add a personal touch.

Earlier this year, we got the idea to do a Wreck-It Ralph theme. Corbyn was excited about it at the time, so I kind of just planted it in his brain that he was going to be Fix-It Felix for Halloween. A couple weeks before Halloween once he said that he wanted to be Jake (because he saw that costume at Costco). I actually had already told my mom to buy him that costume for Christmas (for him to wear as a dress up), so I told him he was being Fix-It Felix, but Santa might bring him a Jake costume for Christmas and he was ok with that.

I know that my years of being able to pick and coordinate costumes are very limited. I know there will be years that mom making a costume isn't "cool" and other years they will pick costumes I can't or don't want to make. I'm just enjoying it while it lasts!

 For Corbyn's Fix-It Felix costume, I found these patches on Etsy. I did not buy them, I saved the image and printed it out. Then I used this technique to transfer the designs to felt. (Pretty sure that tutorial is the best thing I've ever pinned on Pinterest. I use it all the time!) The hat is a BYU hat he already had that I temporarily covered with the FF patch. I found a white shirt (on summer clearance plus I used a coupon) at Kohl's. I dyed it blue and then sewed the Felix patch on with a zig-zag stich. (I went over it 3-4 times to really give it that patch look.) I found a stress relief hammer on Amazon that I painted gold using acrylic paint. Peyton actually tore the top part of the hammer off the day before Halloween. (I almost killed her.) Fortunately I was able to glue it on with my trusty glue gun and it didn't come off again!

We decided not to worry about the gloves. (I found some on Amazon, but Rog said no and I agreed.) I was planning on making him a tool belt, but I ran out of steam at the end and decided he could go without that as well!

For Peyton's Vanellope costume I found the sweater, pants, and skirt at Kohls (not on clearance, but a good sale and again I used a coupon). The skirt was white, so I dyed it brown. That ended up being more work than it should have been because the first time I did it, it ended up a purpleish gray. So I removed the dye and tried again with much better results. I made a simple candy bow and put some candy on her sweater. (I knowVanellope doesn't actually have candy on her sweater, but I wanted to cover up a heart that was embroidered on it.) And finally I added the little pink stitches to the pockets.

I thought about trying to put some stripes on her pants, but that just seemed like too much work and I didn't think it would be worth it.

I love how they turned out! Cutest Vanellope and Fix-It Felix around!

Now if you haven't seen Wreck-It Ralph, shame on you! (Yes, Megan and McKae I'm talking to you!) For heaven sakes, borrow it and watch it. It's one of our favorite Disney movies and that's saying a lot because we are some of the biggest Disney fans out there (meaning that we've seen pretty much every Disney movie there is)!
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  1. These are so cute!! I'm so impressed with your costume making ability! They look great. You can add me to your list of people who haven't seen Wreck-it-Ralph. Sorry. We are poor. We also haven't seen We Bought a Zoo either. Don't judge.


  2. You didn't dye Peyton's hair black? Can't believe it! ;)

    Two cuties!

  3. Haha, I get the hint! Actually, we did borrow it from the Howard's one night while we were watching their kids so my kids have seen it. But we had all six kids over so it got a little crazy and I didn't have chance to watch it much of it. I guess we need to borrow it again.

    The costumes turned out great, though, and your kids made them super cute! You should have made a costume for yourself: supermom.

  4. Yep, a SuperMom costume would have been appropriate! Amazing!

    I'm glad the glue worked well on the hammer - somehow I didn't hear about Peyton's oops :)
