Friday, November 8, 2013

Weekend Fail

Last Saturday was kind of a dud. We had good intentions and tried to do fun things as a family, but nothing really worked out as planned.

We wanted to get some more use out of our Pass of All Passes, so we thought we'd take the kids mini golfing. They had fun, but so did not get the point that they were supposed to use the club to get the ball in the hole. They'd let us help them tee off, but then they just wanted to pick up their balls and put them in the hole.

They wanted to put their balls in this windmill thing over and over again. We had a hard time keeping them moving and didn't want to get in the way of other groups actually golfing, so when Corbyn had to go to the bathroom, we just called it quits.

We had tickets to the BYU Basketball game that night (from Corbyn's Cosmo's Kids Club membership), so we decided to stay up in Orem and get dinner at Chili's (where we had a gift card) rather than go all the way home to Spanish Fork, have dinner, and drive back up again. That was actually the most successful part of our evening. We got there before the dinner rush which was absolutely key - things wouldn't have gone so smoothly if we had to wait. We had the kids split a kids' meal and got the 2 for $20 deal for us (so our gift card covered everything but the tip).

The BYU Basketball game was against Alaska Anchorage and it didn't start until 7:00. Peyton loved it at first - she was clapping and cheering like she was the hugest fan ever - but soon lost interest and just wanted to climb all over everything. Corbyn was super tired and just done for the day.

We didn't even make it through the first half. We took a picture with the huge Cosmo and called it a night!

On the bright side, it was bascially a free day - we can't complain about that!
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  1. Sorry about your "Lost Weekend" although I must say, you got much more done than we do, just by trying and I admire you for that!

  2. They are cute golfers :)

    Funny how Roger and Shauna look happier to be by Cosmo than the kiddos!
