Friday, November 8, 2013


For FHE the Monday before Halloween we carved our pumpkins. Or rather, we started carving our pumpkins... We actually only got one done that night, so I finished them the next night. We did an owl, Frankenstein, Wreck-It Ralph, and a bat (that Corbyn said was Batman).

On Halloween we had our Halloween Joy School party in the morning. My parents watched Peyton for me and when they brought her back I enlisted their help to take a few pictures. I wanted to make sure I got some good ones before the costumes got dirty and the kids got grumpy. I'm so glad I did because we ended up with some really cute ones!

That afternoon I made a little Halloween treat. Earlier in the month while waiting in line at the grocery store, I saw a magazine with these cute monsters on the cover. I snapped a picture on my phone because there was no way I was going to buy the magazine just for the one recipe. They were basic rice krispy treats dipped in chocolate and then covered in mini M&M's with mini Oreos for the eyes. Obviously the magazine picture is better, but I think they turned out pretty cute and they were so good - especially when thrown in the microwave for like 15 seconds to soften them up just a tiny bit.

Rog normally has a late class on Thursdays, but he went to the same class they have on Tuesdays so he could be home for trick-or-treating. My parents are one of the only houses on their street that is actually finished, so they decided to spend the night with us. They brought pizza for dinner and even candy to hand out to our trick-or-treaters!

After our dinner Grandpa stayed to pass out candy while the rest of us headed out trick-or-treating. Peyton was so cute saying trick or treat and thank you at every door. Corbyn was a pro - he wanted to fill his bag to the top!

Many of our neighbors were out trick-or-treating and just left their candy bowl on their doorstep, but a lot were just not home. We had pretty good luck on our side of the town homes, but when we went to the other side it was dead! We figured everyone went to bigger neighborhoods, so I think next year we'll be going to Grandma and Grandpa's neighborhood to trick-or-treat!

We didn't get a ton of candy, but that was actually good because that means I won't have to hear the kids beg for candy for months. They've actually been pretty good and only ask for a few pieces a day. Peyton's favorites are the suckers.

We put the kids to bed and then watched Hocus Pocus - my favorite Halloween movie of all time! It was a great Halloween!
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1 comment:

  1. Great Jack-O-Lanterns! I love them!

    I didn't even carve this year and I love Halloween! :(

    Now that I have seen the characters (sp?), I finally "get" the costumes and the kiddo's look wonderful!
