Thursday, January 2, 2014

Corbyn at 3 1/2

Corbyn turned 3 1/2 the week before Christmas. He got to take cupcakes to joy school for his half birthday - all the other boys have birthdays during the school year and we didn't want to leave him out. He was so excited to take them!

Here's a little update on our favorite big kid and some fun pictures from the last 6 months.

*Has a good imagination. He loves to play super heroes and swords with his dad. Most often he is Batman, Rog is Robin, and they fight the Joker together. Batman and Ninja Turtles are his current favorites, but he still has a soft spot for Buzz. His other interests include Superman, Jake, Planes, Monsters University, and Cars (he never cared for Cars until recently, but now he has been asking to watch the show quite a bit).

*Is a climber.

*Is still a really picky eater. We have a hard time getting him to eat anything that isn't one of his staples and he absolutely refuses to touch soup. (This is an area we're going to be working on in 2014.)

*Is our one shoe wonder. He can often be found hanging out around the house with only one shoe on.

*When he is sick he will tell us, "I don't feel really good" over and over. And he always asks for a blessing to feel better.

*Always looks forward to watching a show during Peyton's nap.

*Does the actions to "Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse" on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Mickey. It's pretty dang cute!

*Knows all the sounds the letters make (and can sing the alphabet song), but doesn't necessarily know all the names of the letters. Can count to 20.

*Is a perfectionist like his mom.

*Loves playing with Dad's iPad any chance he gets.

*Is still not very good at looking at the camera when I am taking pictures of him. Although he is getting better.

*Loves loves loves puzzles and is super good at them. 24 piece puzzles are about perfect for him right now. My mom bought a bunch from the dollar store and he loves doing them when we go over to Grandma's house.

*Loves playing iPad and iPhone games with Uncle Jared.

*Is a really good big brother (most of the time). Whenever Peyton was being bad before Christmas, he was really concerned that Santa was going to take toys away from her for being naughty.

*Is generally a good boy. He can communicate well and hardly ever throws a fit for no good reason.

* He is really competitive and likes to make everything a race. We usually are able to use this to our advantage - like "Let's see who can get in the bath first!"

I can't believe he's done with Nursery and is going to be a Sunbeam starting on Sunday! He's growing up so fast! We love our Corbs!
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  1. Happy half birthday hehe! He's so cute!


  2. Gotta love the skeleton shirt! i want one!

    Growing up sooooo fast!

    And cute!

  3. Love you tons Corby :)

    You have a special place in my heart <3
