Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 was the year that…

Peyton learned to WALK and TALK...

Grew hair long enough for a PONYTAIL and became a great mom to her DOLLY...


and started JOY SCHOOL...

Rog put in an awesome BACKSPLASH and a super deep SINK...

He also was called into the BISHOPRICstopped working at KLAS, and started his MBA/MHA at the U...

I adopted a 2nd son for TWO WEEKS...

And placed 2nd in my age group in the COUGAR RUN 5K!

Grandma Lori became a Breast Cancer SURVIVOR!

(I didn't blog about it at the time because Jared only had a month left on his mission and we decided it would be better not to tell him until he got home. It was caught early, hadn't spread, and she only had to do radiation - no chemotherapy. We are so grateful!)

Papa George RETIRED and my parents moved to SPANISH FORK!

We welcomed two nephews and one niece into the PHILLIPS FAMILY...

(Tay and Martha had their baby girl December 28th!)


And welcomed home Jared from his mission to SWEDEN...

2013 was a pretty great year!
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(I'm back from my holiday-induced blog break. Get ready for a great multitude of blog posts in the next couple of weeks as I get caught up!)

1 comment:

  1. What a great year! So glad that your mom is a survivor, what an amazing gift!
