Saturday, January 25, 2014

Six on Saturday

1. I made these Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwiches for Sunday dinner. They were so incredibly good! If you're a cookie dough fan (and even if you're not), you need to try them, like now!

2. For Martin Luther King Jr. Day we decided to go to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point. I'm extremely allergic to horses, but didn't even think of taking any allergy medicine before we went. We had a great time, but by the time we left I could feel my throat swelling up. We had some children's Benadryl for Corbyn just in case he needed it (he didn't), so I took some of that and spent the rest of the day in a drug-induced fog. 

3. Diana and Jason found out this week they are having a girl in June! I'm glad Peyton will have a girl cousin to play with on both sides. Yay for girls!!

4. Corbyn has been way into legos lately. This week he made these robots completely on his own. They weren't incredibly sturdy, but I was impressed by how much they look like robots. 

5. My parents went to Texas this week to watch Blake for 10 days while Diana goes to Kentucky for school. They usually watch the kids while I go on runs and have dinner with us on the nights that Rog doesn't get home from school until after the kids are in bed. To say that we're missing them would be a huge understatement!

6. Frames were 50% off at JoAnn this week, so I finally got around to framing Corbyn's 3 year collage and Peyton's 1 year collage. While I was at it I designed Peyton's birth announcement to go in the frame I made for her nursery before she was born. It's about time!  


  1. The Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwiches were yummy! Wish I had one right now!

    Sorry you had to drug yourself because of the cute lil' horsies - I think I would have had to do the same!

    It's a GIRL - WOOT for Grandbaby #4

    Nice robots Corby!

    We miss you guys too! In a perfect world, all of my family would live in the same city!

    Cute photos of Corby and Peyton - I like the Birth Announcement too :)


  2. Peyton on a pony.....I love it!

  3. I think I need those Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwiches RIGHT NOW!!


  4. Annnnd, the Corb on a pony.....sorry, I had to enlarge the pic to see him! Yay!
