Wednesday, January 22, 2014

2014 Goals

I decided I prefer to call these goals rather than resolutions, so here are our goals for 2014.


1. Read 7 books.
2. Finish projects I've started, but not finished.
3. Run the Ragnar.
4. Serve outside our home at least once a month.


1. Read 8 books.
2. Find more family names.
3. Run the Ragnar and try road biking.
4. Be kinder to those he loves.


1. Learn to ride a bike with training wheels.
2. Learn to write all the letters.
3. Learn to recognize numbers.
4. Eat what we eat for dinner and try new foods without a fight. 


1. Learn to ride her tricycle.
2. Learn shapes.
3. Learn colors.
4. Learn to count to 10.

And our family goals:

1. Go to the temple once a month.
2. Go on a date once a month.
3. Make our wills.
4. Add clothing/supplies to our 72 hours kits and store water.

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