Friday, February 28, 2014

22 Months

PJ at 22 months:

*Thinks she's too big to hold my hand when we're walking somewhere.

*Has a talent for messing up her hair minutes after I've done it.

*Likes to put her own lotion on after bath time. 

*Says "I want you" when she wants to be held and cuddled.

*Says thank you and please without needing prompting (at times).

*Loves her Look and Find books and is getting pretty good at them.

*Can swing in the big kid swings.

*Loves jumping on the bed!

*Tells on her brother.

*Absolutely insists that she get herself in her car seat.

*Is obsessed with our Little Critter books (Shapes, Colors, ABCs).

It's hard to believe Corbyn was this age when Peyton was born. I know many of you are probably wondering when we are going to have another baby. I have to wait until after the Ragnar to get pregnant again. Hopefully it won't be long after that because I'm seriously getting baby hungry! 

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely adorable photos of my absolutely adorable granddaughter :)

    Love you dear Peyton <3
