Friday, February 28, 2014

Five on Friday

1. Last year while we were at Disney World, I saw a cute ABC Princess book in one of the stores. I didn't buy it thinking Peyton was too young for it, but ever since then I have had serious non-buyer's remorse over it. I searched on Amazon, but could not find it. This week while at KMart (a store I never shop at) I happened to see it. It's called P is for Princess and I was able to find it immediately on Amazon (for less) knowing what to search for.

2. Facebook has been annoying me lately. I was spending too much time looking at it, so I deleted it off my phone and I feel so free. I'll still check it every so often on my computer, but not every 5 seconds like I did when it was on my phone. 

3. We had a beautiful, warm day on Wednesday. We decided to pack a picnic for lunch and go to a nearby park to really enjoy it. The kids loved playing and it was fun to see how much more Peyton could do now that she's a few months older.

4. I never got my 2012 blog book done last year, so it was at the top of my to do list this year. Blurb had a 30% off deal going that expired last night. I worked on it all week and got my order in at 11:57. Now to tackle 2013!

5. With my IT Band problem solved, I was hoping to not have to worry about injuries while training for the Ragnar, but that would have been too easy. Ankle pain has been nagging me for the past few weeks. After searching google this morning I've come to the conclusion that it's tendinitis (though thankfully not Achilles Tendinitis).

1 comment:

  1. What site do you use for your blog books? I've been wanting to make one (but am a little overwhelmed since I have YEARS to get caught up on!)
