Thursday, February 20, 2014

Be My Valentine

Because Valentine's Day was on a Friday this year I got to spend the whole day with all 3 of my Valentines!

Rog got up with the kids and let me sleep in which was the best gift he could have given me. He insisted he had to get me something though and what he got me totally cracked me up! He knows I love Little Debbie cakes, but when he went to the store they were out of the Valentine ones. So he transformed some Easter ones.

The kids got the Jungle Book (newly released from the Disney vault) from my parents and shirts from us. Corbyn's says I put the me in Romeo.

My gift to Rog was a fancy dinner. He's been wanting me to try an Indian dish for awhile now, so I made Chicken Tikka Masala with Naan.

With Sugar Cookie Bars for dessert. 

I made a few different treats (Cinnamon Cookie Crunch Popcorn, Valentine Dipped Wafer Cookies, and Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bears) and bagged them up to take around to some friends. I slightly adapted these cards for the tags.

I let the kids pick out Valentines while we were at Walmart one day to give to some of their friends. Corbyn chose Batman and Peyton chose Disney Princesses.

On Saturday my parents took us to dinner at Pizza Pie Cafe and that night after the kids went to bed we had some friends over for games. And because we didn't have enough treats I made a cinnamon version of this delicious trifle to go with our Sunday dinner.

It was a most delicious Valentine's Day weekend!



    EVERYTHING LOOKS SO YUMMY - Some I got to try and enjoyed them so much!

    Love what you did with the Easter Cakes, Roger!

    Cute kids in their Valentine's Day shirts :)

  2. Wait... you had three valentines? I don't know how I feel about this.

  3. I never told you thank you for the Valentines and yummy popcorn! We were all very happy to find them on the porch Sunday night after a couple days in Bear Lake. So yummy and so nice of you!
