Friday, February 14, 2014

Five on Friday

1. Like most people, we've been enjoying the Olympics this week. We put the kids to bed and then turn them on for the rest of the night. Rog has kind of a love/hate relationship with the Olympics - he loves to watch them, but hates how late he stays up when they're on. I stay up that late anyway, so I guess mine is just a love relationship.

2. I finished my first book of the year this week - The Help. One of my neighbors started a book club and this was our first book. I don't think I'll be able to be a monthly participant, but if I like the book they're reading it'll give me incentive to finish in a timely manner and it's fun to have a night out. And in case you're wondering, The Help is just as good the second time around!

3. We're officially 20 weeks away from the Ragnar, so it's time to get serious about training! I'm following this training plan, but only running 5 days a week and shortening some of the long runs a bit. 

4. Corbyn and Peyton have been obsessed with the story of the 3 Little Pigs the past few days. They'll ask us to tell it over and over and over again. And Corbyn is most definitely having a growth spurt. I haven't been able to keep him full for more than an hour at a time. He's already the tallest kid in his Sunbeam class (and definitely not the oldest). Where did we get this tall boy?

5. Jared's roommate who had a toaster oven moved out a few months ago. He's been missing having a toaster oven, so my parents decided they'd buy us a new one and give ours to him. Our old one was white and didn't match our other appliances (and was stained), so I'm loving this new sparkly stainless steel one! And as a bonus, it's digital!

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen Corby eat so much - it's a nice change!

    So glad you like your new toaster oven - WOOT!
