Saturday, February 8, 2014


For the most part I was able to stay on top of January while I was catching up from December. Of course there were a few things that slipped through. 

Corbyn got to go to 2 friend birthday parties. Early in the month Rhys Howard had a Batman party and later in the month Johnny Kramer had a Spiderman party.

Our whole family got to go to the Primary Pajama Pizza Party. Corbyn to meet his teachers, me to meet my new class, and Rog because he's the counselor over Primary. So Peyton got to tag along. 

Lots of fun times playing outside in the snow. Corbyn had a great time sledding down the big hill across the street with his friends Stockton Goodrich and Hazel Howard. The big hill was a little much for Peyton girl.

The kids spent a lot of the month pretending they were puppies.

The Perez family came into town one weekend for Kenzie's work, so we had them and Tay and Martha over for dinner. I was in a tropical mood, so we had Bacon-Wrapped Teriyaki Chicken Skewers, Tropical Slaw, Coconut Rice, and Key Lime Tarts. Of course we loved getting to see baby Mason again. And Corbyn had fun playing with Jaxon although he was a little intimidated by him. (Jaxon is used to playing rough with the older cousins in Colorado, but Corbyn not so much.)

Rog finally said goodbye to Xavier - the laptop he got before we even got engaged. It hasn't been used in years, but he's been hanging onto it.

One Saturday we decided to run errands up in Orem. While up there we used a gift card to have dinner at Mimi's. They have changed their menu since the last time we were there to go back to more traditional French cuisine. I ended up liking what I got, but I am disappointed that some of my favorites are not on the menu anymore.

I finally decided it was time for some new bras. I've been wearing ones I bought in high school over 10 years ago, so it was definitely time! I tried them on in the store to figure out my size and then bought them online with a 40% off coupon! While I was trying on bras, the kids and Rog played in the Disney store. Peyton couldn't get enough of the shoes.

On another errand run up to Orem, the kids thought it was hilarious to try on huge shoes at Sports Authority and run around the store in them!

We finished my Thomas Kinkade Little Mermaid puzzle I got for Christmas. 750 pieces, but it actually wasn't too terribly difficult.

While Rog was taking pictures of my bike to list it on KSL, Corbyn wanted to be in the pictures. He even posed himself!

And now we can move on to February!

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