Friday, February 7, 2014

Five on Friday

1. Rog had late nights at school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. I was grateful my parents were back from Texas to help at dinnertime. One of those nights my dad was a good sport and helped Corbyn put together a tiny lego robot Jared got from Google.

2. I tried Peyton's hair in pigtails a few days ago. The hair on top isn't long enough to reach, so I think I will have to wait a little longer to do them all the time. (It wasn't so cute when I tried to do them again today.) But it was fun seeing those little pigtails for the first time.

3. A few weeks ago I saw a deal on Disney Movie Rewards to get the Dumbo Blu-Ray for only $3.96 when you entered in 3 reward codes. While I was at it I entered in all the reward codes I could find and had enough points to get the You Can Fly Sing Along DVD for free. I also had put Aladdin on hold at the Provo library (the Spanish Fork library only has the VHS version) when Jared got his card. It just so happened that both movies came in the mail this week and Jared got the email saying Aladdin was ready to be picked up. So we had fun watching new (to the kids) Disney movies this week.

4. Rog was offered an internship for the summer at a group of clinics owned by Intermountain Health Care. It's not a paid internship (most healthcare internships are not), but Intermountain is one of the best in the business, so it will be a great thing to have on his resume.

5. I ordered some new spring shirts for the kids when Carter's was having a sale last week. The package came yesterday and I opened it after the kids were in bed. When Peyton saw them this morning she had to try on each and every one including Corbyn's shirts!


  1. WOOT! Roger got the Internship - Way to go Rog!

    Enjoyed the moments we shared this past week - it's always nice to come home after being away :)

  2. Peyton's pigtails are too cute!! I love that she had to try on all the shirts- you've got quite the girly girl!
