Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mini Advent Ornaments

I saw these mini advent ornaments and knew I had to make them. They were a lot an insane amount of work. I finished the first set while we were in Colorado for Thanksgiving, but didn't get any done the first week we were back because I was hosting joy school that week. Then I had to finish one every single night or there wouldn't be one to open up in the morning. Most nights I got them done, but a few nights I didn't. Luckily Corbyn was excited to open one when it was there, but didn't really notice when there wasn't one. I had to abandon the project a few days before Christmas or Christmas wouldn't have happened. I finally finished the last ornament on Monday. I am so in love with them which makes all the late nights and Rog's constant complaining totally worth it!

I decided to buy a mini tree rather than make a felt tree. Saved me time and I actually like it much more than the felt tree she made. (Shh, don't tell her!)

Set one. The snowman was the first ornament I made and it ended up being my favorite (from this set and overall)! I also really like the hot chocolate mug. And the glove.

Set two. My favorite from this set is the letter to Santa. It has a really cute back too!

I was up way too late one night making the angel from her set and then ended up messing it up so badly it was beyond fixing. I decided I didn't like it very much anyway, so I made a Baby Jesus of my own design. This isn't a very good picture of it, but I like it infinitely more than the angel!

Set three. I can't decide on a favorite for this set. I love the truck, the dove, the ice skate, and the snow globe! 

Set four. All of these got made after Christmas except for the fireplace and that one just so happens to be my favorite from this set! I also really like the reindeer. And the rocking horse. 

All 24! My plan is to make an advent calendar (like this one Rachel made) to put them in. Each pocket will have an ornament and a Christmas activity for the day.

I'm so excited for these ornaments to become a part of our Christmas for many many many years to come!


  1. These are amazing!!! I'd love to make some for my advent calendar (because it's way too exhausting to put activities in every day) but I'd have to start in April to make sure I get them all done in time! You did an amazing job, your kids will love having these every year!

  2. You did a BEAUTIFUL job on these ornaments - WOOT!

    I think it's great that you added the baby Jesus :)

    The advent calendar looks ambitious as well but will work great for the ornaments!

  3. So cute Shauna! All your hard work will pay off in all the years to come as you use them each year. I'm sure it will be a tradition that your kids love and will looks back on fondly when they are grown.
