Saturday, March 15, 2014

Six on Saturday

1. Rog was on Spring Break this week, so we went down to St. George for just a few days. We had fun visiting Roger's grandparents, exploring the red rocks, wearing shorts, playing games, and seeing popcorn trees (Peyton is currently obsessed with that song, so she loved it whenever we pointed them out to her!).

2. I finished this fun little St. Patrick's Day craft while we were in St. George. I got the shamrock fabric at JoAnn and the frame at Wood Connection. The rest of the supplies were from my stash. It's nothing too fancy, but I like how it adds a rainbow to my March decor.

3. My ankle has still been giving me grief after almost 2 weeks of no running (which is killing me), so while we were in St. George I found Diana's old boot from when she had a similar injury. I wore it faithfully for 2 days, but it made me incredibly grumpy and after those 2 days my ankle hurt worse than before, so I abandoned that attempt. Now I'm trying some essential oils. I'm not usually into things like that, but I'm really hoping they'll help and make a believer out of me!

4. We packed in a hurry Monday morning and ended up forgetting a ton of stuff - the mattress for Peyton's pack n' play, floss, the kid's jackets and flip flops... (I could go on and on!) So I sat down and made a packing list. It really didn't take very long and should help make packing a whole lot easier in the future!

5. I finished my 2nd book of the year, Mao's Last Dancer. It was for my book club and because I had read the book, I made sure we came back from St. George in time for me to go to the meeting! I really enjoyed it - it was very interesting to learn about Communist China and obviously the dance theme didn't hurt either!

6. Last night we went with the Woods to do sealings in the temple. We had a cool sealer who gave us lots of insights into the ordinances. On the way home we stopped at Village Inn to get a pie for pi day. It was a fun date!

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