Sunday, May 18, 2014

Disneyland - Day 1

We were just at Disney World last February, but you should know by now we're Disney addicts. Because of the timing of when we want to have our next baby, it worked out best for us to go right after Rog finished his semester and before he started his internship (and before I get pregnant again). My parents came with us and we had a great trip!

Early Monday morning we hopped on a plane to L.A. Because Peyton just turned 2, she got her own seat! She watched a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and part of Frozen and let me read my book (What Alice Forgot). Other than her biting my headphones and destroying them completely (while I wasn't paying attention because I was reading my book), it was a very delightful plane ride. (And I'm pretty sure Rog would say the same about his experience with Corbyn on the other side of the plane. Minus the headphone biting of course!)

We took a shuttle to our hotel, grabbed some lunch at McDonald's, and were at the park by 2:00!

Walking down Main Street we made sure to look for this window. (If you've see Saving Mr. Banks, you know why.) Yes, it really is there!

Peyton was tired after a morning of travel and fell asleep on the way to our first ride - the first of many stroller naps this trip!

Corbyn remembered the Buzz ride (Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters) from Disney World and wanted to do that one first. It was his favorite ride again this trip. We rode it 2 times while Peyton napped.

 When Peyton woke up we headed to Fantasyland. We rode the King Arthur Carrousel, Snow White's Scary Adventures, Pinocchio's Daring Journey, and Casey Jr. Circus Train. 

We had told Corbyn he could get one toy during our trip. After seeing a Zurg gun in the store outside the Buzz ride, he wouldn't stop talking about it until we finally went back to get it. He took it into the park every day and has loved playing with it with his friend Stockton since we've been home. (Stockton went to Disneyland a few months ago and got a Buzz gun.)

We looked at some options in the park for dinner, but ultimately decided to go outside the park to Denny's. After dinner we used our FastPass for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. This was Corbyn's favorite ride after Buzz. He called it the crazy train. With the stroller swap we got to ride it 2 times. 

We had a FastPass for Splash Mountain earlier in the day, but when we went to use it the ride had closed for a few minutes. So we went back to use it after Big Thunder Mountain. Corbyn also loved this ride and happily rode it 2 times with the stroller swap. While we were riding Splash Mountain Peyton went on the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. This was her favorite ride of the trip and she got to ride it many times while Corbyn was riding big kid rides.

 To finish off the night we rode Buzz again, but this time Peyton was awake and got to ride!

And that was our first day at Disneyland! 


  1. Hooray for stroller naps! And I hope you loved What Alice Forgot

  2. Yay! So fun, and it totally makes me miss Disneyland. We didn't do Big Thunder or Splash Mountain, they were both closed. Excited to read about the rest of your trip!
