Sunday, May 18, 2014

Disneyland - Day 2

Tuesday morning we woke up to find that Peyton had thrown up sometime in the night. We were hoping it was just something she ate, but then she threw up again as we were getting ready for the day. After that she seemed a lot better, so we took her to the park anyway.

We spent the day at California Adventure. Our plan was to get FastPasses for Radiator Springs Racers and World of Color as soon as we got there, but the FastPass line for Radiator Springs Racers was over an hour and a half long, so we just got the World of Color tickets and decided to do Radiator Springs Racers another day.

We started with the Disney Junior show and then as we were standing outside planning what to do next, Mickey walked out. We took the opportunity to grab a quick picture with no line!

We were right there, so we went to Turtle Talk with Crush. While we were doing that my dad went outside the park to get Subway sandwiches for us.

We were eating right by where Pluto was taking pictures and Peyton decided she really wanted to meet him, so we waited in a short line to take pictures with him.

Then we went to the Aladdin show. Peyton fell asleep near the end, so we put her in her stroller for a nap.

My dad stayed with Peyton while the rest of us went on Tower of Terror. Corbyn was not a fan! He called it the scary elevator and woke up a few days later saying, "Don't make me go on the scary elevator again!" When we got off we decided to recline Peyton's seat to make her more comfortable, but unfortunately she woke up in the process. We spent the next 30 minutes in line for Toy Story Mania trying to get her to go back to sleep! She finally did fall asleep right as we were getting to the front of the line, so we got a stroller swap and Rog went to try to put her down in the stroller.

We got off to find that she had woken up again, so we used the stroller swap right then. Corbyn liked it, but still preferred the Buzz ride. (Unfortunate because the rest of us preferred Toy Story Mania!)

Peyton seemed to have a little more life in her after that, so we rode King Triton's Carousel and let the kids splash in a fountain for a few minutes. 

On the way down to Soarin' Over California we passed Grizzly River Rapids which was closed. Corbyn went right over and wanted to pose in front of the big bear!

Rog took Peyton over to "a bug's land" (but didn't actually end up riding anything because she was starting to act sick again) while the rest of us rode Soarin' Over California. Corbyn was totally in awe the whole time - definitely one of his more favorite rides.

Then we found a place to watch the parade. While we waited, Corbyn was giving Peyton the sweetest hugs to make her feel better!

It was the Pixar Play Parade and the kids loved it - although Corbyn noticed right away that Buzz wasn't on the Toy Story float and was a little disappointed by that!

We went to Denny's again for dinner where Peyton somehow ended up peeing on Rog's leg (even though her diaper was not very full) and then threw up after eating a little of her dinner. (At least she did it there and not at Disneyland!) 

We abandoned our plans to see World of Color that night. My mom and I took Peyton back to the hotel to get her cleaned up and to bed while Rog and my dad went with Corbyn to get his Buzz ride fix for the day.

Poor Peyton didn't have the best day, but she was a good sport and we know it could have been so much worse!

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