Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Disneyland - Day 4

Thursday Peyton was finally healthy - although a little more irritable and more prone to throwing tantrums than normal.

My mom and I took the kids to Disneyland to use our Magical Morning while Rog and my dad waited in line to get into California Adventure, so they could get FastPasses for Radiator Springs Racers and tickets to World of Color.

On our way in we stopped to quickly see Mickey.  

Then we hit up Mr. Toad's Wild Ride - always a favorite of mine, but the kids weren't terribly impressed.

Peyton requested the carrousel again.

And we were right there, so we stopped to take pictures with the Sword in the Stone. I'm so glad we did - these pictures totally crack me up!

And then of course we had to do Buzz for Corbyn. I got pretty good after riding it so many times!

We heard you could meet Jessie in Frontierland, so we went to find her for Peyton. Jessie wasn't there, but Woody was and Corbyn was pretty excited about that!

By then Rog and my dad had our FastPasses for Radiator Springs Racers and our time was coming up pretty soon, so they were texting us to come over to California Adventure. On our way out we went through Fantasyland - big mistake! Peyton saw Pinnochio and started crying when we told her we couldn't stop to go on it. It didn't have a very long wait, so we gave in and took her on it.

As we were on Pinnochio, Rog and Grandpa came over to Disneyland and got in line for Minnie. We got there just in time to take a picture and then we headed over to California Adventure to finish the day there.

Peyton fell asleep for an early nap on our way over, so I stayed with her while everyone else rode Radiator Springs Racers. And then we swapped and I got my turn while Rog stayed with Peyton. Corbyn never has been that into Cars, but he enjoyed it. I'm sure it helped that I made him watch Cars just days before we left on our trip. After riding it two times he summed it up by saying, "There's a beautiful part, then a funny part, and then you RACE!" - a pretty accurate summary especially for a 3 year old!

By then Peyton was awake and it was time for lunch. We had a few FastPasses for Soarin' Over California, so Rog, Corbyn, and Grandma went on that while the rest of us started toward to the exit to go get lunch at McDonald's. Unfortunately at that moment, Peyton decided she wanted Daddy and nothing I did could distract her. It was a long 30 minutes of nonstop screaming while I waited for them to get off the ride. After some food and a chance to run around the hotel room for a few minutes, our happy Peyton was back!

We spent the afternoon on Paradise Pier. First the swings with Corbyn.

Then a cream cheese filled pretzel recommended to us by our good friend Cory Wood who just might be even more a Disney Fanatic than us!

We met Jessie for Peyton!

And then had some time to kill before Buzz would be there. (Buzz, Woody, and Jessie rotated every 20 minutes at this particular photo spot.) Peyton wanted to go on Mickey's Fun Wheel and very much enjoyed herself.

We missed Buzz while we were on that, so Rog and I used our FastPasses for California Screamin' while Grandma and Grandpa took the kids on King Triton's Carousel.

Then it was finally time for Corbyn to meet Buzz! No other character got such a big hug and this family picture ended up being the best picture of the trip!

Peyton took another stroller nap while we finished exploring Cars Land. We didn't know how tall she was and it turns out she could have ridden these rides, but oh well! First we did Mater's Junkyard Jamboree.

And then Luigi's Flying Tires.

For dinner we decided to go to Denny's again because IHOP was so much more expensive! And luckily we got a different waiter who didn't know about Peyton's incident!

We had to change Peyton's shirt after dinner, so we went back to the hotel for a few minutes. We were ready to go before my parents, so we started toward California Adventure without realizing they had our World of Color tickets. We had to wait for them to get there to get into the viewing area and by then we had pretty crappy "seats". 

The kids had to sit on our shoulders to see anything and we really couldn't see anything at all. Toward the end we decided just to leave and realized we should have been standing up by Ariel's Undersea Adventure because we could see it so much better up there! So World of Color was a bust, but at least we learned a few lessons for next time.

Corbyn hadn't eaten a lot at dinner and was so tired he practically fell asleep on the ground while we were waiting for World of Color to start. I was thinking he might be getting Peyton's stomach bug and sure enough, as soon as Rog and I said goodnight and turned out the lights, he threw up! 

The day didn't end particularly well, but we fit a lot in and had a great time before that!

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