Monday, May 19, 2014

Disneyland - Day 3

Wednesday morning Peyton woke up with a fever (possibly a continuation of her stomach bug?). We drugged her with some Advil and dragged her to the park! She wasn't 100%, but still was able to enjoy most of the day.

When we first walked in we saw Snow White over by the wishing well. She is currently one of Peyton's favorites because of the Seven Dwarf Cottage she got for Christmas and the Snow White book she got for Easter. The whole trip she would get so excited to see characters she knows and loves, but then would be scared when we actually got close.

As we were taking pictures with Snow White, Peter Pan walked by just for Corbyn! 

Our first ride of the day was the Matterhorn. Corbyn didn't hate it, but it wasn't his favorite either.

While we were on the Matterhorn, Rog took Peyton on the Teacups.

Peyton wanted to go on Dumbo, so we waited in the long line for that. 

We did King Arthur Carrousel (one of Peyton's favorites) again. Then I took Peyton on the Pooh ride while everyone else went on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.

We left the park and had lunch at a little pizza place by our hotel. Rog and my dad took Peyton to the hotel to have a real nap while my mom and I took Corbyn back to Disneyland. 

We went on Splash Mountain again and then stopped in a little shop to try on hats. 

We rode the Disneyland Railroad from New Orleans Square to Tomorrowland. (Kind of for the ride, but mostly so we didn't have to walk all the way across the park!)

We went on the Buzz ride and then Astro Orbitor. Oddly enough, I'm pretty sure that was my first time ever riding Astro Orbitor! It was another Corbyn favorite!

Somehow we stumbled upon the Royal Theatre and were just in time to see Beauty and the Beast. (This was new since the last time we were there.)

Just as the show was ending Rog, my dad, and Peyton got back to the park after a good Peyton nap. My mom and I went to get a Dole Whip while everyone else went on Buzz.

We went on the Jungle Cruise.

And then went to IHOP for dinner because we were too embarrassed to go back to Denny's after Peyton's throwing up incident there!

As we were coming back into the park we saw Cinderella and had to stop for a picture. Cinderella was Peyton's first favorite princess.

Then it was time for the Soundsational Parade.

 Before we had kids we never used to go to the parades, but now we love going to them. It's so fun to see their faces light up as they see their favorite characters pass by!

Rog and I rode the Matterhorn with our stroller swap pass from that morning. 

And Peyton passed out in the stroller as my mom and I took her back to the hotel.

Rog and Grandpa took Corbyn on Buzz a few more times and then called it a day as well!

1 comment:

  1. Fun! Yes, the parade is awesome, but mostly to see the happiness on your kids faces! Brynn would have loved to see Cinderella and I'm impressed that Corbyn even tried the Matterhorn.
