Saturday, May 3, 2014

Peyton's Birthday

For months we have been talking about Peyton's birthday - how it would be a Minnie birthday and how she would be 2!

She came downstairs on her birthday to find a high chair and crib for her dolly. This was her want present and she loves it!

She also got a hippo towel (need), a nightgown with a matching nightgown for her dolly (wear), and her personalized Are You a Cow book (read). Of course she had to try on her new nightgown right away and dress dolly in hers too!

We had pink smoothies (her request) and then got ready for the day. It was a rainy, cold day, so we decided we'd go to the new aquarium. She was so excited to finally be turned around in her car seat as we drove there.

It was incredibly busy because it was a Saturday and it was rainy and it's new, but we still had a lot of fun. And our tickets are good for another visit before the end of August, so we'll go another time when it isn't so busy!

The penguins were our favorite. 

They'd just be swimming around and then pop right out of the water to stand on the rocks!

After checking out the whole place, we went home for lunch and a nap for the birthday girl. I had prepared as much as I could for her party ahead of time, so I could enjoy the morning and then finish up the last minute stuff during her nap.

The invitation.

The decorations. (Rog got this flower for our anniversary, but it matched too well not to double as a decoration!)

The food. Sweet and Sour Meatballs and rice.

Berry salad (lettuce, spinach, strawberries, blueberries, and candied pecans) with Berry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette dressing. Knorr Vegetable Dip with cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and bread for dipping. 

The cake was supposed to be two layers, but I let them cool in the pans and then they would not come out! I was able to save one with generous amounts of buttercream frosting, but the second layer was not going to happen!

We also had dipped wafers and Minnie Oreos. I ordered a bow mold for the Minnie Oreos, but it didn't come until the Monday after her birthday (even though I ordered it 2 weeks before the party!), so Minnie had to go without her bow!

We hadn't really practiced blowing out candles with her beforehand, so it took her a minute to figure it out!

She had a lot of fun unwrapping her presents. She got toys for her kitchen, some fun Minnie toys...

a Scooter... 

And a Cozy Coupe!

We had to take a picture of 3 generations of Minnies all in our pink shirts (not planned)!

It was a fun day celebrating our little Minnie girl!

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