Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Alphabet

I taught my last joy school last week. It was a review of the entire alphabet.

The first day I did an Easter theme. We read Al Pha's Bet. Then I let the boys watch the Letter Factory while I hid Easter eggs.

For our treat we had Bird Nest Easter Treats.

Then we hunted for Easter eggs. Inside the eggs were magnetic letters. After we found them all we put them in alphabetical order on the back of a cookie sheet.

We made Easter Bunny masks. Corbyn insisted that his bunny have blue ears and he said he was Easter Batman. 

Then we did Alphabet Bingo with foam Easter stickers.

We ran out of time for this during school, but after everyone left Corbyn did an alphabet maze from this Easter Do-a-Dot pack.

The second day I did a Superhero theme. We read Superhero ABC. And then watched The Amazing Alphabet Amusement Park while eating Alphabet Cheez-Its for our snack.

Then we filled in the alphabet to get the superhero to his car. (From this superhero pack.)

We put alphabet stickers on the corresponding letter on the tube. (I know I saw this idea on Pinterest at some point, but I didn't pin it and I can't find it now.)

And then we attempted to do some alphabet sidewalk chalk games, but they were done by that point, so I just let them play outside.

It's been fun doing joy school, but I have to admit I'm a little bit relieved to be done (at least until it's Peyton's turn for joy school).


  1. Ha, ha, ha! "Easter Batman"!

    That is truly "Joy School"!

  2. Love you Easter Batman and your amazing teacher too!
