Thursday, June 26, 2014

Corbyn's Birthday: Friend Party

We celebrated Corbyn's birthday for a solid week. We started with his friend party the Saturday before his birthday and ended with his family party the Saturday after his birthday.

The invitation.

The decorations.

The party favors. Batman stickers, blue candy, and a Batman action figure - I found the Batman action figures at the dollar store months before his birthday and I'm so glad I bought them because Batman stuff was a lot harder to find than I thought it would be!

I also made Batman masks using this tutorial.

The food. Snow cones...

And cupcakes. I made the Batman symbol using this ice cube tray.

Present time. All his friends were so excited to see what he got!

We watched a Batman show...

Stockton Goodrich, Hazel Howard, Johnny Kramer, Maddox Copeland, Rhys Howard, Corbyn, and Peyton.

And then Batman (aka Uncle Jared) made a surprise appearance!

He was a hit! Big hugs for Batman as he was leaving!

It was a fun party!

1 comment:

  1. The best part was right before we put Corbyn to bed that night, we asked him if it was fun to have Batman at his party. He said "That was Uncle Jared." We asked him how he knew that and he simply said "because I saw his socks." I think Corbyn is really the worlds greatest detective.
