Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Corbyn's Birthday

Corbyn's birthday was on a Tuesday. Rog was able to take the day off and celebrate with us. 

We started the morning off with presents. Because when you're 4, that's the only way to start a birthday! He wanted a Batman bike, but there are literally none for sale right now. We really lucked out by finding a used Tonka bike on KSL that was already yellow and black. We just had to replace the seat, take off the Tonka stickers, clean it up, and add a Batman sticker. He's happy with it and we spent a whole lot less than we would have buying a new Batman bike! The bike was his want present, the helmet his need...

A superhero towel to wear, and a Justice League book set to read. 

I made him Cake Batter Funfetti Pancakes for breakfast, but as you can see, he was more interested in his new books!

We had planned to go to Seven Peaks, but it was a cloudy, cold day, so we decided to go to the zoo instead. Pretty ironic because last year we planned to go to the zoo, but it was too hot, so we went to Seven Peaks instead! As we were driving there it started raining and we almost turned back, but figured we'd just tough it out. We ate our lunch in the car and then braved the rain.

We were excited to see the African Savanna that had just opened. One of the zebras in that exhibit was celebrating his birthday too! The lions were awake and gave us a good show.

One of them tried to get Corbyn through the glass!

The orangutans were inside and also gave us a good show. One was putting a box over his head like a tent.

I was excited to see the lion drinking fountain (although I think it is actually a new one).

We didn't stay too terribly long because we got cold, but we had a good time while we were there.

I took Corbyn with me to Costco and let him buy The Lego Movie (it came out that day) with the rest of his birthday money from Grandma and Grandpa Phillips. It's been a huge hit. As in, we've watched it pretty much every single day since then and Everything is Awesome has replaced Let it Go as most sung song around here!

We went to Red Robin for dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Ririe and Jared. And then Corbyn got to open his presents from Grandma and Grandpa Ririe. I've been hesitant to buy him big kid Legos, but my mom found this Easy to Build set that I couldn't say no to.

He also got this Joker Tank he's been eyeing for some time now and a set of superhero Little Wheelies.

I was making his cake for the family party, so I made some Funfetti Sugar Cookies and arranged them like a cake.

It was a fun day celebrating our big 4 year old!

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