Thursday, August 14, 2014

First Half of August

We started August out with another successful trip to the dentist for both kids - no cavities! They both used their token to get a little toy. Corbyn got a little frog and Peyton got a little octopus. It worked out perfectly that they both wanted to switch.

We celebrated Grandma Lori's 55th birthday at Pizza Factory.

Saturday morning after my run, Rog went on a bike ride. The kids wanted to go too - in their pajamas!

Our cute Batman with his Bat bike!

Corbyn finished up a sticker chart he had been working on to earn another Lego set. He got the Man-Bat Attack set.

Rog and I went to my 10 year high school reunion at La Jolla Groves in Gateway. I figured since we live pretty close and all my friends were in charge of planning it, I should go support them. We had a little car trouble on our way and ended up making a detour to Saratoga Springs to drive Taylor's car there. We were almost 30 minutes late, but luckily they had built in a half hour at the beginning for mingling, so we didn't miss anything. It was fun to catch up with old friends!

Thanks to the car trouble we had, we were a one-car family for a few days while Rog's car was in the shop being fixed. It definitely made me grateful to have 2 cars that don't often give us a whole lot of trouble!

We've had so many people move out of our ward in the past month that it feels like we moved! I go outside with the kids and don't know most of the kids playing out there because they are all new. Thankfully we've still got a few solid friends left!

Since Peyton figured out how to climb out of her crib, we went ahead with the plan to move her to Corbyn's room (even though we weren't planning on doing it so soon). We ordered her mattress and got it all set up and now have been working on the fun transition to sleeping in a big girl bed.

Some nights have definitely been better than others, but overall, she's been pretty good about staying in her bed.

I feel like every kid needs a picture like this one. 

Rog got the cold that was going around at the cabin from the kids. He has been miserable with the worst sore throat for over a week now!

At the beginning of the summer I got a flyer for outdoor movies at the Scera Shell Outdoor Theatre. I immediately put Singin' in the Rain on our calendar and told Rog we were going no matter what! He was at the beginning of his cold, but was a good sport and came with me. Ironically it started to rain a little, but we just covered our heads with our blanket and toughed it out. It was a fun night!

Rog finished up his internship. He still has to present one of his projects to the COO and the CFO of the medical group in September, but he is glad to be done with the commute and is looking forward to riding Frontrunner again when school starts in a few weeks.

Last Saturday the kids and I got to hang out with Emily and her kids at Waffle Love and the Provo Rec Center. We missed having Zack and Rog with us, but had a great time!

I got to hold cute little James for a few minutes.

We tried to get a picture of the 4 kids together - this is the best we got!

I was flipping through the original Our Best Bites cookbook and decided to try a few of the recipes in there that I haven't made before. This taco was easily the best meal I've had in a long time - Black Bean and Mango Salsa (only in the cookbook) with Taco Chicken on Homemade Flour Tortillas. I had some of the leftovers on store bought tortillas and it was still good, but not quite the heaven that it was on the homemade tortillas. 

I also made the Mango Sorbet and Orange Scented Zucchini Bread that are in the cookbook. Both were amazing!

I was released from my Primary calling and called to be a teacher in the Relief Society. I taught my first lesson on Eternal Marriage and it was incredibly refreshing to not have to tell anyone to stop taking off their shoes or to get out from under their chair while I was teaching. I think I'm going to like this change.

We're loving having Rog home for a couple of weeks before he goes back to school. Although on Monday it threw off our schedule quite a bit and Peyton thought she didn't need to take a nap. Of course she fell asleep the second we put her in the car to do some errands. We were able to carry her in without waking her up and enjoyed our visit to Walmart with no (awake) kids. (Corbyn was playing at Rhys' house.)

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