Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Colorado Part 2

We enjoyed another trip to Colorado, but this time Rog got to come with us!

We drove through the mountain because it is so much faster. We haven't been going that way the past few years because Corbyn gets car sick, but he's old enough now to tell us when he's feeling sick, so we decided to risk it. It paid off in a major way! We only stopped once for lunch at Wendy's in Grand Junction. We let the kids run wild to get out their wiggles.

It's a good thing they're so cute - no one seemed to mind!

We made it to Aurora in time for dinner - Grandma Phillips made us spaghetti. Peyton was a big fan of the new swings in the backyard!

We spent a few days hanging out with the Hobbs. Little Skyler was giving me the biggest smiles.

Diana and Blake took us to a fun splash pad. 

Rog played with the kids and let me and Diana just talk and take turns holding Skyler.

One night we went to Sweet Tomatoes and another night Diana made us the most delicious pulled pork sandwiches.

On Saturday Dixie hosted a Pampered Chef party. Rog was superman and entertained all the kids in the backyard!

After the party, we headed to another fun splash pad. 

That night we were supposed to go to Cheesecake Factory to celebrate McKae's birthday, but the wait was too long, so we went to Jim 'N Nick's Bar-B-Q instead.

We decided to drive home on Monday, so we could have a relaxing Sunday for once. We went to Sacrament meeting at Kenzie and Irving's ward and then headed over to Jason and Diana's house to hang out with them a little more. (Jason had a migraine the night we had planned on really hanging out with him.)

We got to have Sunday dinner with the Phillips. It was McKae's actual birthday, so we had jumbo cupcakes to celebrate. She was turning 23, but Anthony and Kenzie put 24 candles on her cupcake. And oh yes, she noticed!

Corbyn thought he had died and gone to heaven playing with the big box of Legos in the basement.

Too soon it was time to make the drive home! We went through the mountain again and only stopped once for lunch at Burger King. We couldn't leave without getting crowns for the kids!

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