Wednesday, September 10, 2014

End of Summer

Rog went back to school August 25th. That week was a light one because a few of his classes (the Tuesday/Thursday night ones) don't start until the very end of September and his job (working as an ambassador for the MBA program) didn't start until the next week.

I was challenged by my SIL, McKae, to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I figured if Mitt Romney could do it, so could I. I still was getting over my cold, so I sound like a total dork.

We decided it was time to put down our sweet Cuddles. He was a wonderful addition to our family for 18 years - such a good cat! We'll miss him! I went with my mom to take him to the vet and held him in my arms on the way there. I'm glad I got to say goodbye!

That weekend we had a reunion of the Horrace and Nellie Ririe family. Friday night after watching the start of the BYU football game, we had dinner at Golden Corral. (We listened to the end of the game on the way home. We beat Connecticut 35-10 - a great way to start the season!)

On Saturday we had a pool party.

Peyton couldn't get enough of the diving board.

On Sunday Diana and Jason blessed Skyler while everyone was together. 

After the blessing we had a picnic at a park and took family pictures. (These are all the great grandchildren of Horrace and Nellie Ririe that were in attendance. I am the second oldest great grandchild - my cousin Alisha is the oldest, but she wasn't there. So that makes me the oldest in the picture! Yikes!)

Our kids had a great time running around and playing all afternoon long.

Monday morning (Labor Day) we had a pancake breakfast up Millcreek Canyon. We forgot Corbyn's jacket, so he had to wear my extra jacket. (He was so upset about it until it warmed up a bit and he could take it off!)

We enjoyed one last visit to Seven Peaks and kissed summer goodbye!

Corbyn started preschool the next day. He is going to the preschool put on by the high school students at Spanish Fork High School 4 days a week - Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. He wasn't very excited about going that first day, but has enjoyed it so far. I'm enjoying having some one-on-one time with my Peyton girl. My favorite part is only having to push one kid in the running stroller. And a close second is how excited Corbyn is to see me when I pick him up! 

The Hobbs stayed a few days after the reunion. Peyton and Blake were the best buddies the whole time they were here.

We made sure to get a picture of Grandma and her 4 grandkids before they went back to Colorado.

Last weekend we got to go to the Ogden Temple Open House.

We took our turn watching the kids for our date night exchange - we had 7 out of the 10 there this time.

And we rounded out the weekend watching BYU beat Texas 41-7! 

Last year I didn't want to see summer go, but this year I am so ready for fall! Bring on the cooler weather, football games, pumpkin treats, soups, and Halloween! 

1 comment:

  1. You are a serious rock star for getting all 7 of those kids to look for a picture! That swap sounds totally fun, we need to get something like that going.
