Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Last week we took advantage of it being Rog's last week off before school. We crammed in a lot of fun activities close to home. 

On Tuesday we went to Thanksgiving Point for their Two Buck Tuesday. The line for the Museum of Curiosity was 90 minutes long, so we opted to go to the gardens instead. It was a little rainy, but we hoped for the best.

They have a newer garden with statues depicting the Savior's life. It was the highlight of our visit.

We didn't last terribly long with the rain, but the flowers were beautiful and we figure we got at least $6 of enjoyment. (Peyton was free.) 

On Wednesday my boys were excited to wear their matching Batman shirts! (I had ordered Rog a Batman shirt from Old Navy while I was doing a little online back-to-school shopping.)

We saw Planes: Fire and Rescue at the Spanish Fork Theatre. We all enjoyed it although Peyton fell asleep right at the end!

That afternoon we went raspberry picking at the Raspberry Patch in Payson. 

Corbyn was pretty into it and picked with us until the very end.

Peyton was more interested in running through the sprinklers across the street!

On Thursday we went to the aquarium to use our bounce-back passes from when we went on Peyton's birthday. This time it was much less crowded!

The kids were being brave and got to touch the starfish and stingray in the touch pools.

That afternoon I turned our raspberries into jam - 10 half pint jars of it!

On Friday we had a chill day at home because the kids and I had come down with a cold. 

Rog went to the memorial of our friends' beautiful daughter, Aria, who only lived 7 weeks on this earth. It has been truly inspiring watching Mike and Natasha and the faith they have shown during this trial. 

That afternoon I made Buttery Cornmeal Crescent Rolls because homemade raspberry jam just tastes that much better on homemade rolls! These rolls haven't been fail-proof for me in the past, but I've been determined to practice them until they are. No guarantees for the future, but I nailed them this time!

On Saturday Rog was challenged to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge by Cory Wood. He knew better than to challenge me as I was still suffering with my cold. (Turns out, I got my turn soon enough as McKae challenged me the next day.) 

That night we went to our ward pool party at the Payson pool. I opted not to get in because it was a cold night. The kids had a great time despite the cold and their purple lips!

Rog had spent half the day working on his car only to realize he had made one critical mistake, so after the pool party, he spent the rest of the night fixing it! 

It was a great week, but now it's back to reality!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun! I'm glad Roger got to go to Aria's memorial - I'm so sad I wasn't able to!
