Friday, September 19, 2014

Five on Friday

1. Last week I needed to spend a couple more dollars on Amazon to get free shipping on an add-on item. I bought the Talking Words Factory for the kids and it has been a huge hit! They want to watch it every single day and are always singing songs from it.

2. I picked up the kids' Cosmo Kids Club tickets and shirts while I was up in Provo for my doctor appointment. Corbyn's shirt isn't too terribly large, but Peyton's is ginormous on her. That didn't stop her from wearing it all afternoon over her clothes and to bed that night as a nightgown.

3. I saw that maxi skirts were $15 at Downeast Basics this week. Remembering that there will soon come a time when my regular pants don't fit, but maternity pants are too big, I ordered a few so I won't look like a slob wearing pajama pants all the time. They came yesterday and after trying them on I am thinking I made a very good decision.

4. This week has been oh so hot and not at all like the autumn weather I feel like we should be enjoying. So instead of making pumpkin treats, I spent the week eating popsicles and lemon ice in our air conditioned house and making ice cream for our tailgate party tomorrow.

5. This weekend Wood Connection had a housewarming party at all of their stores to celebrate the opening of their Layton store. My friend Kelli and I went this afternoon and then on our way home we stopped at Swig to try their famous sugar cookies. I do have to admit that was one delicious cookie and the perfect way to finish off a fun afternoon.

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