Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Baby Phillips #3

We are excited to finally share our big news! Peyton won't be the baby of our family for much longer... Baby Phillips #3 coming March 2015!

Baby's official due date is March 25th (which ironically enough was my due date, although I came 3 weeks early on March 5th)! He or she will likely be born on March 18th (when I'm induced at 39 weeks). I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow and I'm more than ready to have the first trimester behind me in another week. I've definitely been nauseous, but have only thrown up a handful of times (after swallowing my prenatal vitamins - life has been much better since I bought gummy ones).

I'm pretty positive it's a boy based on how sick I've been (and how sick I was with Corbyn versus Peyton) and the initial feeling I got when I found out I was pregnant. We'll be happy with either although I'm a little terrified at the thought of another 10 pound boy! I could already tell you the names we have picked out either way as well as how the nursery will be decorated, but I'll keep that a secret for now just in case we change our minds (like I did with Peyton).

We tried to wait a little longer to tell our families than we have in the past. Although I told Diana early because I had a question for her and then Jared and Cailey asked about it, so I told them. We finally told my parents at the tailgate last week. I replaced the fortunes in fortune cookies with a fortune of my own using this tutorial. Turns out they already knew because my mom saw a note Rog had left on a shopping list to the pregnant lady... Oh well! We told Rog's parents while we were talking to them on FaceTime the Sunday before we told my parents. 

I was totally overwhelmed with the number of likes our announcement got on Facebook and Instagram. Close to 100 people "liked" the picture and many more commented on it on Facebook. Same story on Instagram - many likes and comments. I didn't expect such a large response because it's probably not all that surprising that we're having another one - Peyton will almost be 3 when this one comes! It was nice to feel so much love through social media.

I was delighted to find out at my first appointment (at 9 weeks) that my doctor's office routinely does an ultrasound at the first visit now. So I got to see the little heartbeat fluttering on the screen and then hear it again today at my 13 week visit (beating away at 160 beats per minute).

We are so grateful to be experiencing this miracle again and can't wait to welcome another baby into our home in March!


  1. I'm so excited for you guys! And excited to hear the names you have picked!

  2. So happy for y'all! And I hope you're feeling better soon. Are Corbyn and Peyton so excited?
