Monday, September 15, 2014

Weekend Adventures

Friday night was our wards' Fathers and Sons Campout.

Rog and Corbyn had a great time eating hamburgers and hot dogs, roasting marshmallows, and doing all the regular camping stuff - including sleeping in a cold tent.

What campout would be complete without a Batman photo shoot?! (Corbyn lost his cape for awhile and recently found it, so his love for it has been renewed.)

Back at home Peyton and I took dinner to our friends who just had a baby, went to the park to swing for awhile, did bath time, and then finished off our girls' night watching Cinderella.

In our ward it's technically the Fathers and Children Campout (so Peyton could have gone too), but we prefer to do it this way.

On Saturday we went to dinner at 5 Guys because I needed a night off from cooking. And then we went to Riverwoods to check out Chalk the Block. No surprise, our favorites were the Disney ones!

We didn't get to stay too long because we had to rush home to make it to the adult session of stake conference. 

We finished off the weekend with regional conference. We got to hear from Elder Scott and Elder Nelson and enjoyed having Rog home all afternoon long - a rare Sunday treat!

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