Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10 Years of Running

10 years ago I graduated from high school and started running as a way to stay in shape since I wasn't dancing anymore. I happened to see a flyer hanging in the RB for the Cougar Run and thought I would sign up. My roommate Staci and I had been running together, so I convinced her to run it with me. I didn't know it back then, but that 5K was just the beginning. Since then I have run countless 5Ks, a few 10Ks, a half marathon, a marathon, and a Ragnar. 

The Cougar Run has always been my favorite race. With the exception of 2008 when I was recovering from surgery and 2011 when I was pregnant with Peyton, I have run (or in the case of this year, walked) the Cougar Run every year.





2011 - Pregnant with Peyton

2012 (3rd place in my age group)

2013 (2nd place in my age group)

It's been a good 10 years of running! Here's to another 10 years!

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