Friday, October 31, 2014

Wood Badge Part 2

Last weekend was the second (and final) weekend of Wood Badge. Rog had a class he couldn't miss Thursday night, so he didn't go until Friday morning. 

Friday night the kids and I watched BYU get beat up on by Boise State (final score 30-55 - yikes!) at my parents' house. We knew it would be a bad game, so somehow it was easier to take.

On Saturday I went on a temple trip to the Salt Lake temple with the Relief Society and Young Women in our ward. We rode Frontrunner, did a live session, and had lunch at the Nauvoo Cafe. 

My parents watched the kids, so I could go. They took them to Jaker's (a pumpkin patch in Springville). They had a great time and couldn't stop talking about it all night long - especially the scary cave!

On Sunday Corbyn was in his first Primary Program. He made sure to sing all the songs he knew very loudly and had us laughing the whole time.  (This is the very lovely smile he has been doing for pictures lately.)

Hooray for Wood Badge being over!

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