Wednesday, October 1, 2014

And then it was Fall!

We had a super rainy day on Saturday and now it is finally feeling like fall around here! 

BYU football had a bye, so we kind of didn't know what to do with ourselves. 

We canned peaches...

And rode scooters around Grandma and Grandpa's basement.

And then I watched the General Women's Conference with my mom at her house, so we could work on projects while we listened. I get more out of it that way. President Uchtdorf hit it out of the park with his talk! And I finished this little Halloween craft.

While we were watching it, my dad, Rog, and the kids watched the Wizard of Oz. We've been trying to get Corbyn to watch it for the past year, but he never wanted to because he thought it would be too scary. They had to force him to watch it, but he loved it and so did Peyton. Now it is their new favorite - they've watched it every day since then. And the Wizard of Oz toys I bought last year have been very popular to say the least!

To finish off the weekend, after a regular, busy Sunday, I finally got around to having Rog take a picture of my growing belly at 14 weeks and 4 days.

Hello second trimester and hello fall!

1 comment:

  1. Nice looking peaches Shauna!

    Having an unfinished basement has its advantages!

    Love the Halloween blocks :)

    Nice to have the 1st trimester behind you - excited to watch your tummy grow - hehe
