Monday, October 6, 2014

Seven on Sunday

(Let's just pretend I posted this last night like I had planned and not this afternoon like really happened!)

1.To celebrate the arrival of our fall weather, we had Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup for dinner Monday night. It is our absolute favorite soup and we have been waiting rather impatiently for its return to our menu rotation. I'm telling you, this soup is the stuff dreams are made of!

2. Rog's night classes started - meaning we don't see much of him Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Tuesday night he doesn't even come home. He sleeps at my Grandpa and Grandma Ririe's house because with a late class Tuesday night and an early class Wednesday morning, it just doesn't make sense for him to come all the way back to Spanish Fork. It's going to be a hard few months, but somehow we'll make it through. (Thank goodness for my parents living so close and being so willing to help out all the time!)

3. The kids and I went to the Health Department to get our flu shots on Wednesday. Peyton did great - she didn't even cry. But the second she got her shot, Corbyn started to cry and tried to run away. It wasn't exactly pleasant, but we got his done! After we went to the Provo Macey's to pick out a treat. I think their favorite part was the fun shopping carts they have there. Too bad our Macey's doesn't have this kind!

4. At the suggestion of my good friends, Megan and Rachel, I started reading The Light Between Oceans a few weeks ago. It is excellent and I haven't been able to put it down. Only problem is I was supposed to be reading Okay for Now for my book club this coming Wednesday night. I've read it before and I'm halfway done rereading it. I'm thinking I can still finish it in time if I really put my mind to it!

5. I made this Pumpkin Spice Puppy Chow to take to one of the ladies I visit teach who had a baby last week. It was delicious - the perfect fall treat!

6. Friday night we played Utah State and it was just about the worst game ever. Not only did we lose (20-35), but Taysom Hill (our star QB) broke his leg and is out for the rest of the season! The best part of the game was the Cougar Tail (complete with a photo bomb from Jared).

7. We had a wonderful conference weekend full of breakfasts with family (Phillips on Saturday and Riries on Sunday), crafting galore (Halloween Tin Can Luminaries, picture display for past Halloweens, and a few things for the kids' room), a treat exchange (our contribution was Monster Munch and Reeses Pieces Puppy Chow), and uplifting messages. True to my word, we did not leave Spanish Fork which was so so nice!


  1. That soup looks delicious! We'll have to try it sometime soon. And I'm glad you like "The Light Between Oceans"!

  2. We're glad we can help!

    Love the photo bomb Jared :)

    The Halloween picture display is absolutely adorable!
