Monday, October 20, 2014

When Dad's Away

When Rog was at Wood Badge, I knew we had to have some fun activities planned to keep us sane. 

Friday for lunch, Waffle Love was in Spanish Fork, so of course we had to go!

Friday night it was our turn to take all the kids for our date night swap. I didn't want to switch because I figured if I just toughed it out, we'd get to go out when Rog was home (rather than me having a night alone - even though would have been nice too). Usually we just let the kids play, but I thought it might be good to plan a few activities this time. We colored Halloween pictures I printed off (Corbyn colored way longer than anyone else which is so not like him and he even wrote his name on his paper. I guess he's learning something at preschool after all!)

We made a little treat (pretzels with melted Rolos and an M&M pressed in the top) for the kids to take home to their parents. And then we watched a couple Halloween shows (Garfield's Halloween and Toy Story of Terror) while eating popcorn. My mom was so sweet to come help out, but I actually think I would have been fine alone. Peyton is the youngest kid in our group, so they're all pretty easy.

On Saturday we went to Cornbelly's with my mom. We went on the Giant Slide, did the Rat Rollers, took a few fun pictures...

This year's theme is Wizard of Oz - perfect for the kids with their recent obsession with it!

Then the kids jumped on the Jumbo Jumpers.

After that Corbyn started complaining that he had a headache and insisted he wanted to go home. It was the first time he's ever had a headache to my knowledge (or at least the first time he's been able to tell me), so I was freaking out a little. We had to wait for my dad to come get us. (He had dropped us off on his way to help my uncle and cousin with a rental they recently purchased in Draper.) So we did the Duck Races while we waited. 

Everything looked really fun, so we left feeling majorly disappointed that we only got to do a few things. 

We stopped at Walmart to get some Ibuprofen for Corbyn and he was able to get a little nap in the car on our way back. We had an early dinner at Pizza Pie Cafe and then after a quick stop at Macey's, we went home. Our timing was perfect because Rog pulled in right after us. 

We were all so glad to have him home especially since Corbyn came down with a pretty high fever that night and it didn't break for 3 very long days!


  1. You stayed super busy! Poor Corbyn!

  2. What a Super Mom! You just have to make it through one more weekend of Wood Badge. You can do it.

  3. Check out that scarecrow - hee hee - Pretty scary!

    Love Peyton's whip cream lips

    Sorry Corby got a fever at Cornbelly's :(
